Kamis, 01 Oktober 2020

DESCENDENTS - Two Things At Once (Milo Goes To College + Fat EP)

Track Listings▼

CD 1 - Milo Goes To College

1. Myage
2. I Wanna Be a Bear
3. I'm Not a Loser
4. Parents
5. Tonyage
6. M 16
7. I'm Not a Punk
8. Catalina
9. Suburban Home
10. Statue oOf Liberty
11. Kabuki Girl
12. Marriage
13. Hope
14. Bikeage
15. Jean Is Dead

CD 2 - Fat

1. My Dad Sucks
2. Mr. Brass
3. I Like Food
4. Hey Hey
5. Weinerschnitzel
6. Global Probing
7. Ride the Wild
8. It's a Hectric World


>pasword : Reresambodja

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