Jumat, 30 November 2012

ANTI FLAG (For Blood and Empire)

Artist - Anti-Flag
Album - For Blood and Empire
Country: Hermosa Beach, California
Released: March 21, 2006
Genre:punk rock / alternative

Track Listings
1. I'd Tell You But... .mp3DOWNLOAD

02. The Press Corpse.mp3DOWNLOAD

03. Emigre.mp3DOWNLOAD

04. The Project For A New American Century.mp3DOWNLOAD

05. Hymn For The Dead.mp3DOWNLOAD

06. This Is The End (For You My Friend).mp3DOWNLOAD

07. 1 Trillion Dollar$ (Dirty Version).mp3DOWNLOAD

08. State Funeral.mp3DOWNLOAD

09. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Dirty Version).mp3DOWNLOAD

10. War Sucks, Let's Party!.mp3DOWNLOAD

11. The W.T.O. Kills Farmers (Dirty Version).mp3DOWNLOAD

12. Cities Burn.mp3DOWNLOAD

13. Depleted Uranium Is A War Crime.mp3DOWNLOAD

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